LifeChurch Master Plan Mandate

Capital Giving & Building Campaign
Master Plan Mandate (MPM) is the complete composition and beautification of the 14-acre vision God has given our congregation. The Lord gave pastor Randy a prophetic word in the summer of 2004, before the formation of the LifeChurch, when after weeks of being drawn to this property each time he passed by, he finally drove onto the parking lot to pray as the Lord directed him. While praying and asking, “Lord, do you want to do anything in this place?” this is one of the highlighted verses the Holy Spirit gave him. “I will cause you to dwell in this place, in the land that I gave to your fathers forever and ever” Jeremiah 7:7. This verse and the Holy Spirit’s leading would set in motion a vision from God to begin LifeChurch, possess this land, beautify it, and glorify God continually within it.
In the book of Habakkuk, we read, “Then the Lord answered me and said: ‘Write the vision and make it plain on tablets that he may run who reads it’” Habakkuk 2:2. Since that time in June of 2004, we have pursued the vision and will of God through raising up this church and also financing the 14 acres and 5 commercial buildings we currently hold. Now beloved, it is our “Kairos” moment, our open door from God, our calling together to fully possess the land debt-free and to complete the beautification and transformation of the dwelling place God has chosen for Himself and His church.
Capital Giving Campaign (CGC)
The LifeChurch Capital Giving Campaign is a very important part of the overall MPM vision. The CGC is the way LifeChurch, with God’s help, will continue to acquire the resources and revenue to accelerate the elimination of our current mortgage. Paying off our mortgage is the first order of business in fulfilling the Master Plan Mandate. To do this it will take great faith and generosity from all of us. The Bible says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good testimony” Hebrews 11:1-2. Through our faith in God and our continued generosity toward His great commission, we, too, will obtain a good testimony by accomplishing the vision He has given us. Furthermore, it says in the same chapter, “Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him" Hebrews 11:6. To undertake and achieve any great work for God it is fundamental to abide in the place of faith toward God as we move forward to eliminate our mortgage.
Raising Capital To Fulfill MPM
We will raise the capital necessary to complete the Master Plan in phases.
>Phase I - Elimination of Current Mortgage
The retirement of our $3.5m is already underway. We are currently paying down our 30-year amortization schedule, which includes mortgage principal and interest, and $500 extra on our principle each month. Obviously, $500 will only help marginally in our effort to eliminate the mortgage. Therefore, the pastoral leadership and deacons are proposing a more aggressive path to eliminate the mortgage. To retire our current mortgage in 14 years (2038) or less, LifeChurch will need to increase our monthly principal payment to $17,900 from $7,100 for a total of $25,000 per month. For the elimination of our mortgage to succeed within 14 years or less, we will need every member, attendee, and friend of LifeChurch to pray and financially participate in what we call the “Mortgage Relief Fund,” the mortgage elimination designation of LifeChurch.
*Mortgage Relief Fund:
Mortgage Relief Fund is the current financial designation you can give your monthly offerings to that goes directly toward the monthly principal payment. Your financial gifts to the Mortgage Relief Fund will accelerate the elimination of our church mortgage.
*After The Elimination Of The LifeChurch Mortgage:
Once we have successfully paid off the mortgage
in full, we will then be able to accelerate the beautification of our entire 14 acres. We will have the option, at that time, to terminate any and or all leases we currently have, clear the 14-acres of all unsightly areas and unwanted items and or buildings, and begin the Master Plan Mandate Building & Beautification Projects, the build-out, and renovations on our 14-acre site.
>Phase II - MPM Building & Beautification Projects
The plot plan of MPM and our 14-acre campus is on display
in the main sanctuary. It highlights the current plot plan and the future plot plan once the vision of MPM is complete. For over a decade, the MPM has, in many ways, been steadily marching forward. We have fought and clawed spiritually and financially to fully possess the land and, in the process, made solid progress toward fulfilling the MPM. For all of us to understand the step-by-step process in our incredible journey of faith to fulfill our vision from God, it is important for all of us to know the Short-Term renovations and Long-term future buildings of MPM. Following is a list of those important projects.
MPM Short-Term “Exterior” Projects:
*Digital Marque Sign (Completed 2023)
MPM Short-Term “Interior” Projects:
*Sanctuary Lighting & Projector Upgrade (Completed 2023)
*Replace Flooring in the Main Lobby & Cafe, Children’s Check-in, Nursery, and Preschool rooms. (Planned ‘25)
*Youth Sanctuary & Upgrades. (Planned 2023-24)
Long-Term Building Projects:
*Demolition of “Reber Building” (TBD)
*Creation of New Lobby & Overhang & New 500 to 1,200 seat Sanctuary. (TBD)
*Various Renovations & Repurposing of Existing Buildings. (TBD)
*Additional Southside & Northside Parking Lots (TBD)
*Build Corner & Lease Professional / Retail Building (TBD)
MPM Building Campaign:
Once the current mortgage is paid off, we will begin the LifeChurch Building Campaign to raise funds to complete the new LifeChurch sanctuary, new lobby, and additional parking, according to the Master Plan Mandate. Following are the steps our leadership and congregation plan to take during the MPM Building Campaign.
MPM Building Campaign:
Step 1: Gather Information:
*Assess current attendance and projected future attendance.*Assess current financials and future financials.
*Assess all new renovations and building projects associated with Step 1.
*Determine needs and wants that match our overall Ministries, Outreaches and Vision.
*Find potential Architects and Builders & choose the right ones
*Architectural and civil engineer drawings have been created.
*Gather Planning & Zoning information from Butler County and West Chester.
*Create visuals, website page, videos, and brochures of the Master Plan
*Get official approval for all renovations and building projects in Step 1.
Step 2: Create & Launch of Capital Building Campaign:
*Schedule a congregational meeting(s) of members, attenders, and friends to hear the vision of the Master Plan Mandate, pray together, and launch the Master Plan Mandate.
*Create promotional materials explaining tithes to the church and offerings to the Master Plan Capital Campaign.
*Decide how much is needed to complete the Master Plan Mandate, how much to raise, or finances to borrow.
*Secure all funding plus 10% to 20% above and beyond for potential project overruns.
Phase III: Break Ground & Building Project
*Groundbreaking Celebration
*Appoint A LifeChurch Project Management Team/Committee
*Appoint A LifeChurch Financial Budget Oversight Team/Comm.
*Complete Short Term Projects – Celebrate
*Complete Long Term Projects – Celebrate
*Grand Opening
Concluding Thoughts & Prayer:
Thank you for taking the time to engage your heart and faith in God’s kingdom and the building of His glorious Church. Your friendship with God, prayers, and generosity toward His cause will enable our congregation to fulfill the Master Plan Mandate for the glory of God. Please prayerfully consider what you can give financially each month to the LifeChurch Mortagage Relief Fund to help eliminate the mortgage and begin the final phases of the MPM. Each one of you is so vital in this amazing journey of fulfilling the Master Plan mandate. The Deacons and Pastors of LifeChurch are so blessed to be in this victorious adventure with you. Your prayers, support, encouragement, and faithfulness will accelerate the process and bring to pass the vision God has so graciously given to us, fulfilling the Master Plan Mandate.
God Bless You All,
LifeChurch Deacons:
Stephan Barns, Alfred Bobbie-Frimping, Tim Russell
LifeChurch Senior Pastor:
Randy D. Rice